1. Dust mop regularly – Dust mopping is key in keeping your floors clean. Dust mopping not only removes the grit that can cause your floor to dull (grit is the culprit because it scratches the surface of the tile) but, also lifts the tiny dust particles that embed into the surface and grout between tiles. Removing dry dust particles helps to keep your floor cleaner for longer.
2. Wipe up food and drinks and substances that can seep into the tile surface or worse yet seep and embed into the grout. Remember, the thinner the grout lines are the more difficult it can be to flush out debris from between tiles. When left alone, these substances can cause odors and bacteria to fester in your home which can make you and your family ill. The longer the substance, food or drinks stay in your floor the more difficult it becomes remove.
3. Wet mopping is recommended at least twice a month or if your have a high traffic home you will need to wet mop more frequently.
4. Be sure to use floor cleaners that are neutral – to prevent corrosion of grout and tile. Strong harsh chemicals tend to ruin floors over time. You may think it is caused by foot traffic, however, the chemicals used in toxic cleaners, like acids and chlorine bleaches are the likely cause of floors becoming dull. This corrosive process makes your floors become dirty quicker as the soils attach themselves to the worn surface.
5. Schedule your professional floor cleaning with OxyCleanFresh® regularly to maintain your floors healthy and clean.
Never use Ammonia – Bleach – Acids – harsh chemicals corrode and yellow grout. A neutral cleaner is better and healthier over time.
While most companies that clean tile floors and grout use acids and other harsh chemicals to achieve the appearance of clean, OxyCleanFresh® brings a natural and healthy alternative (no acids or petroleum chemicals) without compromising cleaning effectiveness. Removing dirt and grime is not our only objective. With our natural products we improve indoor air quality and leave a beautiful fresh healthy clean floor with no harsh chemicals. Our tile & grout cleaning service is simply superior to other methods.
Call and schedule your cleaning today! OxyCleanFresh® leaves your floors deep cleaned and fresh.Regular professional maintenance by OxyCleanFresh® of your upholstery gives you peace of mind that your children and pets are not exposed to high concentration levels of contaminants. Kids and pets are safe with OxyCleanFresh® Upholstery Cleaning.